Use of Social Networking Sites by PG Students and Research Scholars of Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (India) : A Survey

  • . Sharad Kumar Sonker


Advancement in information communication technology has significant impact on the communication and dissemination of information on the web. Web is a common platform to acquire and share information without any discrimination . Social networking sites empower to the users for efficiently, expedite and exchange their ideas, thoughts, on social, cultural and academic interest. This paper deals with use of social networking website and describes the awareness, popularity and frequency of  visit. It is also highlighted the purposes to utilize social networking websites. This study also explored the opinions of the users regarding barriers, advantages & disadvantages of social networking sites.





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How to Cite
Sharad Kumar Sonker, . (2016). Use of Social Networking Sites by PG Students and Research Scholars of Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (India) : A Survey. Journal of Current Trends in Library and Information Science, 1(1& 2), 67-71. Retrieved from