Authorship Pattern of Marine Canobacteria Research in India: A Scientometric Analysis
The study examines Marine Cyanobacteria Research in India as revealed by the scholarly publication indexed in Aquatic Science and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA) data base on CD/ROM for a period of ten years from 2005to 2014. It was seen that the analyses included research growth, author productivity,authorshippattern , Geographical distribution of the literature, citation analysis rank, global publications’share,citation impact, share of international collaborative papers and major collaborative partner countries
and patterns of research communication in most productive journals. Most of the
researchers preferred to publish their research results in 1869 journal articles. The authorship trend shows that, out of total2212 research literatures published, 85% of them or published under the joint author of publications in Marine
Cyanobacteria research output. It is observed that author productivity is not in agreement with Lotka's law. This shows that team research is prevalent in the
area of Marine Cyanobacteria. It also analysess the characteristics of most
productive institutions, authors and high-cited papers.
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