Implementation and Maintenance of Open Source Software for ICT Based Library Services in Engineering and Arts & Science Institutions: A Comparative Study
This paper examines the preferred Open Source Software (OSS) for the various library services. The study was conducted among the librarians who are working in Engineering and Arts & Science Institutions. A structured questionnaire was designed to collect the data from the respondents. The study analyzed the preference to implement OSS, maintenance of OSS and technical support for OSS. The majority of the Librarians in both institutions was preferred to implement OSS for the digital library service and Institutional Repository Service. OSS related to federated search was preferred by only few librarians. It is also found that 75.9% of the librarians were required technical support for customization of the software. The study recommends that Library Professionals should aware of recent trends and technologies like Learning Management Systems and Federated Search Services for the effective utilization of ICT enabled services.
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